Utility locating
What is meaning of utility locating?
The ever-increasing urbanisation of our modern world has led to much higher demands on utility companies and their networks as they strive to keep pace with urban development. From electricity to communication lines, gas, sewer, and water networks, these valuable services are crucial to our daily lives and play a key role in economic development. A modern city can easily have several million kilometers of buried utility lines, which makes for a rather complex subsurface environment.
To find all these lines, cables without destruction you can use the GPR method of utility locating.
Benefits of underground utility locating
What can you locate with GPR?
Using Ground Penetrating Radar for utility-related applications allows you to locate and map:
Electricity cables
Communications cables including fibre optic cables
Conduits and ducts
Stormwater pipes
Gas pipes
Water pipes
Drainage and sewer pipes
Electricity cables
Using Ground Penetrating Radar for utility-related applications allows you to locate and map metallic and non-metallic lines such as: chambers, culverts, foundations, reinforced concrete, storage tanks, voids, and more.